
You can find out a lot about what is happening in our church by checking out the pages on our website. Come back every day to enjoy our daily devotional and see what is new on our calendar.

Want to be involved? There are a lot of opportunities to share your talents as a part of one of the ministries of our church.

We hope that you will join us for worship on Saturday morning or can attend one of the many other activities listed on our calendar.

John 17:3: God intends that a knowledge of Him shall lead to salvation!!

Current and Upcoming

Potluck Lunch This Sabbath October 19,2024

Sabbath School 10:00 am. Church Service 10:50am.

Church Bulletin, October 19, 2024

Sabbath October 19, 2024 Tony Gonzales, In the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, Revelation 1: 9,10

Sabbath October 26, 2024 – Abe Miranda

2Cor 4:6 For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.


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Hosea 6:6 It is true love that I have wanted, not sacrifice; The knowledge of God rather than burnt-offerings! Phillips Translation.

Psalm 17:7 You who save those who trust in You! All God Asks Is Trust!!

Jeremiah 17:14 God wants to save you! Will you let Him?

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